Located in the heart of Kaimuki, The Toddler Program is a non-profit, Christian early education program providing preschool-aged children and their families with a secure, nurturing, and loving learning environment. The program emphasizes individualized attention, close relationships among staff, students, and parents. Our children are provided with opportunities to become independent problem solvers through adventurous exploration in a nurturing Christian environment. This unique program assists the children with an availability of stimulating activities and excursions to enhance all aspects of their development. The program welcomes families of all faiths and provides parents and toddlers with the opportunity for Christian fellowship and teaching.
We believe that young children learn best through hands-on activities and active play under the gentle guidance of teachers who understand and appreciate a young child’s unique developmental needs and abilities. Our program is directed to families who have strong values toward early Christian education. The Toddler Program has distinguished itself by accepting students as young as two-years of age who are not potty trained.
The Toddler Program is a loving, caring, and nurturing community for the children and families. The families and staff together provide children with a developmentally appropriate program of social skills, cognitive skills, and character development in a Christian environment.
What makes The Toddler Program so special?
Our classrooms are filled with laughter and wonder as a wide range of learning experiences enable our children to manifest and develop to their highest potential and interests. Using your child’s abilities as a guide, we develop activities and projects to further enhance each child’s particular talents, knowledge, and skills. All learning styles are recognized and incorporated in our teaching techniques as a vehicle for engaging children in active learning.
Where children are nurtured and loved.
Where adults speak in gentle, loving tones.
Where children play, discover, and explore.
Where everyone is embraced.
Where God is worshiped and prayers are said lovingly for children and their families.